^^ Cool!
At first i was like "How can you remix pacman...?" i didnt think it could be achieved.
You sir/gal have proved me wrong.Great job!
I absolutly love the beats and styles in this!
10/10 5/5
^^ Cool!
At first i was like "How can you remix pacman...?" i didnt think it could be achieved.
You sir/gal have proved me wrong.Great job!
I absolutly love the beats and styles in this!
10/10 5/5
Thank you kindly!
The transitions were....fantastic :P i nearly exploded with the epicness this song expresses.
The beginning buildup was short,but oh so sweet.The looping works well too.
Bottom line,Awesome!!
Da da da da da da da da daaaa...
Brilliant.Cant get enough of this song.
Hell Yeah!
Its Plug Man!!!
I just love Mega Man music!!!!
Good Remix
...although,it has been done to death.Usually rock/metal tho,so i give you props for a different genre.
The synth in the very background that goes throughout the song could have been fiddled around with more because to me it just sounded like it was muffling and churning the overall sound.
Stll a nice track,just not perfect :)
I've been waiting for a review on this for ages, I thank you for doing that XD
I do agree, people should really think about doing different styles for this. I didn't realize the synth was loud at all. I listened to it through my Skullcandy headphones at the time...
Thanks again for the review though!
I Love It!
Hey,you have a great voice!
The melodys really catchy too!!
Man,BossFight is great!
Great freakin' job!!!!
Thank you!
I could almost see this in the Scott Pilgrim video game,however the 8-bit leads should stand out a little better,the bass/kick(s) seem to over power it a little.
And fantastic job!I really like the style,its like...well,its like....awesome.ya.
Yup, the game's a classic! Glad you dig the jam, and thanks for commenting.
Kinda reminds me of maybe Bowser getting his many Koopaas and Goombas ready to try and pwn Mario.Idk,or maybe another silly antagonist.Great job,tho.
thanks! i'm glad u like
Joined on 1/9/11