This song is so good-is it even legal?
Fantastic melody,and im just a sucker for chiptune!
10/10 5/5
This song is so good-is it even legal?
Fantastic melody,and im just a sucker for chiptune!
10/10 5/5
Man, thanks for the awesome creds! :D
Don't forget to check out my other tunes with my band "bossfight"!
Im really liking your remixes.
I like how you made this seem a little more hectic and epic than the original,even if you didnt realize it yourself.
Great job!!
10/10 5/5
woow.. im glad that someone like my job, i jope to see you soon in my future remixes
This makes me SMILE :D
This entire song is so fluent!Its brilliant,i must say!
...And i have exams too noooooo D:
10/10 5/5
Well, my exams are over now so I've got till late September without school ;D.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked it, and good luck with those exams!
What a remix!...I wanna go to E3 so bad D: but i live in Canada and have to go to school
Great job though!
10/10 5/5
I live in New York, so I can't go either. And yeah, I'm trapped in school as well. But at least this is my last year of high school, so things should work out better next year. Hopefully by then I'll at least be able to watch it live...
And thanks!
Epic beat!
I like the bass and the melody is uber catchy ^^
10/10 5/5
hah thanks! i think i should'v spent more time on it though... think i coulda made it much better haha. but thanks for the kind words :D
Great work,its catchy!
You know if you kept with the first 13 seconds,you probably could flesh it out to make a full fledged song.
I like it!
10/10 5/5
Hehe thanks xD
Yeah maybe, but i started this project out to be as random as i could :P
I did add more stuff but it didnt sound quite as good so i didnt update ^^
But its not perfect.The guitar sounds a little muffled,and half this song is an alternation between rock and chiptune.The guitar seemed pretty simplistic.maybe a little more than a few chords repeated?
Its catchy though,And it is good.
8/10 4/5
It's not an actual guitar. My guitar skills are way below reasonable :)
This makes me happy
Really chatchy,this is.I wish i had the chance to play more FF games :P
You should remix more battle themes from FF,and maybe some boss battles?
Overall great job.
10/10 5/5
thnx man, glad you like it, if you have a request you can do it
^^ Cool!
At first i was like "How can you remix pacman...?" i didnt think it could be achieved.
You sir/gal have proved me wrong.Great job!
I absolutly love the beats and styles in this!
10/10 5/5
Thank you kindly!
Joined on 1/9/11